Our 6th Tiny Desk Adventurer, Sheena Talma (@sheenatalma) hails from the Seychelles, a beautiful island in the Indian Ocean. When people ask her what she does, she says, ‘I’m an ichthyologist!’. It’s a big word that encompasses a lot of fishy things so through this video Sheena reminds us about all the different things Ichthyologists do and what possibilities lie in the field.
This video is a great reminder of the diversity of marine biology and the fields within marine biology. If you have any questions, do join us for our Instagram live Q&A with Sheena on the 11th of June at 7:30 pm (Sri Lanka time).
The whole series including the live Q&A’s and other resources (including our guest bios and morning rituals) are available at https://oceanswell.org/tiny-desk-adventures. If you enjoyed this, please subscribe to our youtube channel, and like and share this post on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter – @OceanswellOrg
Download Guest Q & AAsha de Vos and Sheena Talma Live Q&A
Ichthyology is a vast field within the vast field of marine biology. You can study everything from the behaviour of a fish all the way to the behaviour of humans around fish and a whole lot more. Watch this live session to learn more about the work Sheena has done with fish, all the way in the deep sea from submersibles to shallow waters and her encounter with 60,000 flip flops on Aldabra Atoll!
We also asked sheena a few fun questions so check them out by clicking on the ‘guest Q&A’ tab to learn a little more about what drives her, how she describes herself, and so much more!