Author Archives: Local Hero

Low-Cost, Deep-Sea Imaging and Analysis Tools for Deep-Sea Exploration

Bell, K. L., Chow, J. S., Hope, A., Quinzin, M. C., Cantner, K. A., Amon, D. J., Cramp, J. E., Rotjan, R. D., Kamalu, L., de Vos, A., Talma, S., Buglass, S., Wade, V., Filander, Z., Noyes, K., Lynch, M., Knight, A., Lourenço, N., Girguis, P. R., de Sousa, J.B., Blake, C., Kennedy, B.R.C., Noyes, T.J., McClain, C. R. (2022). Low-cost, deep-sea imaging and analysis tools for deep-sea exploration: A collaborative design study. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9.

The M/V X‑Press Pearl nurdle spill: contamination of burnt plastic and unburnt nurdles along Sri Lanka’s beaches

de Vos, A., Aluwihare, L., Youngs, S., DiBenedetto, M. H., Ward, C. P., Michel, A. P., Colson, B. C., Mazzotta, M. G., Walsh, A. N., Nelson, R. K., Reddy, C. M., & James, B. D. (2021). The M/V X-press Pearl Nurdle spill: Contamination of burnt plastic and unburnt nurdles along Sri Lanka’s beaches. ACS Environmental Au.